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Welcome Our Newest Writer: XenithFlare

Xenithflare is a friend of ours who we met over the amazing Wii game: Monster Hunter Tri. Back when Cassie and I used to play daily we streamed only and had a nice little string of followers, one of the first being Xenithflare. That was nearly 2 years ago. Since then we have talked on and off and he has been around through many of our ideas we have had for TenFox Productions, and for that we appreciate him greatly. He has talked with us through some of our ideas, and has always been extremely supportive of what we do. Recently, we have decided that it would be a great idea to  start to add a few new people to the TFP team, and our newest member is (obviously) Xenith.

So, let’s learn about Xenith:

Who are you? Tell us any random facts about you.

My name is Kyle. I’m from the relatively small city in Iowa, and I’ve lived here all 25 years of my life. You’ll find very quickly that I’m a massive nerd, not manly in any fashion whatsoever, have a huge [heart], and a burning passion for things that matter to me.

Also: musicals.

What do you want to do with your life?

I don’t think any of us really knows what we want to do with our lives. It’s constantly changing, being shaped by our experiences every single day.

When I was a kid, I wanted to be a Power Ranger. When Billy left and they replaced him with bowl-cut, I thought, “hell yeah, I have a chance!” Then it was fighter pilot (thanks Top Gun!), then I wanted to be an artist, then high school newspaper and a particular english teacher made me want to become an author… In my early twenties I wanted to try my hand at aeronautical engineering, but that fell through due to a flood of negativity about the school I chose. Lately, my drive has been telecommunications. Mobile technologies are very relevant to my interests, especially given my day job at RadioShack.

What’s your favorite food?

I’m going to split this question into snack-type foods and meal-types, because everyone has that one food they love, but could never eat every day. Or is that just me?

Snack-wise, I would have to say kiwi. They’re not for everyone, but the rough texture and tangy kick really makes my mouth water. Actually, it makes my tongue numb, but whatever; same thing. Peeling them sucks though.

Meal-wise, I have a penchant for grilled -and spiced- lobster tail. So long as the cook doesn’t butcher it, lobster is hands-down the best. If you can get over using the baby fork.

Favorite Superhero and why?

Spider-Man. As a mid-twenties super nerd with a surprisingly strong physique (I’m vain, sue me), the web-head resonates with me rather strongly. That and swinging through New York city is so exhilarating that almost the entirety of my Spider-Man 2 and Web of Shadows playthroughs have consisted of just that.

If you could have any pet what would it be and why?

I can’t say beagles because I have one, so I’m gonna go with penguins. I’m a huge fan of Neon Genesis Evangelion, so naturally I want a warm-water penguin named PenPen. Kiwi birds are a close second.

Who is your favorite band/artist?

I want to come up with some obscure awesome band no one has ever heard of to cement my hipster status, but honestly I have to say Linkin Park. I’ve followed them since 2001 and have since acquired every album title and demo they’ve ever released. Never have I heard a song from them I didn’t like or respond to, and I don’t expect that to change.

Favorite Author; why?

Timothy Zahn. I own every post-Yavin Star Wars EU novel known to man, and Zahn’s are hands down some of the best. I can’t go into TOO much detail without turning this answer into a blog all on its own, so you’ll have to take my word for it and check him out. Kevin J. Anderson almost made the cut, but Mara Jade and Thrawn are far too badass to take second best.

If you could have any super power what would it be?

Flight. Have you seen Chronicle?!

If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not famous, living or dead, real or fictional with whom would it be?  

I think we’ve talked about Spider-Man enough today.

If you won $20 million in the lottery, what would you do with the money?

Honestly? Buy reasonable homes and cars for myself and immediate family, help the few friends I know that need it get situated, and invest the rest.

And finally: What are you going to do here with TFP?

Hopefully not burn the whole thing to the ground! That’s really my only goal so far, but it would be nice to help people in some aspect of their day-to-day lives, whether it be finding that new thing they didn’t know they needed, or bringing some new information or perspective to the table. One of the two.


Give him a huge welcome!

Categories: blogging, Update
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  1. May 14, 2012 at 4:19 pm
  2. May 15, 2012 at 2:14 am
  3. June 3, 2012 at 4:37 pm

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